Supervising Summer Research

Do you have an idea for a research project that a medical learner could assist you with?

We invite all interested faculty members to apply to the Distributed Education Summer Research Elective, a Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry funded program. First or second year undergraduate medical students are paired with a distributed faculty member to complete a rural/regional research project. The elective is intended to support students' interest in research by contributing to a project over 6 weeks, 30-35 hours/week. A limited number of projects will be funded. By the end of the elective, the student will be able to:

  • Gain an understanding of the research proecess for research conducted in the region
  • Gain research experience to complement the student's academic activities

Previous projects completed via the Summer Research Elective include:

  • Rural Medical Education in Canada: A Scoping Review of Key Findings and Opportunities for Growth
  • General Surgical Procedures Performed at a Community Hospital in LHIN 2
  • Prevalence of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) in a Rural Patient Population
  • Understanding the use of Troponin-I testing in the investigation of chest pain in the Emergency Department
  • Age-specific Trends in Prescribing ADHD Medications in Community Paediatrics
  • Perceptions of Academic Research by Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry Physicians Located in Distributed Sites

Support from Distributed Education:

If you would like to start a resaerch project and want a student volunteer through the Summer Research Elective program, DE can support you in a number of ways:

  • Assist with Adjunct Research Faculty Appointments
  • Collaboration with local faculty to servce as research supervisor while Adjunct Research Faculty Appointment is processed
  • Support applications to Western University's Research Ethics Board
  • Promote your opportunity to Years 1 and 2 students
  • Provide $1200 stipend to student upon completion of the Summer Research Elective
  • Funding to students for conference expenses (e.g., poster printing, travel, registration fees, accommodations) if submitted abstract is accepted for presentation


  • September: Identify interested faculty supervisors
  • October: Assist faculty supervisors with ethics applications, project summaries, etc. 
  • January: Information session for first/second year students. Share Summer Research Elective opportunities if possible. 
  • February: Student applications open
  • March - April: Select students for the program, confirm deliverables and work schedules
  • June - July: Summer Research Elective Program duration

 Get in Touch!

To apply, complete and return the application form to

If you have questions about the program or the application process please contact Ysabel Macdonald ( She is also available to assist if you have questions regarding the Research Ethics Board or statistical analysis for your project.

 Faculty Application for Summer Research Elective